Sunday, July 21, 2013

We heard her voice!

saying goodbye for now... this is not from Emma's team...but I thought it was beautiful!
That sounds so silly, but for those of you who are mom' know.  You know how much you can tell in one word.  She is full!  I can't wait to listen!

She called at almost midnight our time last night and only had a few minutes before dinner.  We talked about 15 minutes, and while she could have called back later, we promised to talk to her this morning as it is a very full day for our family here.

This is from her team leader, Jamie, facebook.  "Well we said bye to the people in rampart ( one sad moment) were heading back to meet up with the rest of our team !!! God did amazing things sad trip is coming to a end 

These other pics are ones that I have taken from various team members facebook pages.  I can't wait to hear this story through my Emma's eyes.  

Thanks for praying, please continue to do so as she processes on all that she had seen, heard and experienced!

from Em's leader Tim's facebook..."Rampart, Alaska has impacted me in many ways."

packing the planes... I don't know which group this is from...but I loved the pic.
the view from Healy

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