Saturday, July 13, 2013

Last Frontier Ministries

Emma is working under the umbrella group Last Frontier ministries.  This is the info taken from their website.

"Thank You God for those who have a heart for the nations no matter how remote."  ~AMEN!  


Last Frontier Ministries is a mission organization focused on bringing the Gospel to remote villages in Alaska, "the bush". God's love is shown through service projects, health education, short -term teams and Bible programs.
Last Frontier Ministries has a desire to reach out and help those in need in Alaska's remote interior. People from every tribe, nation and language are in need of love and acceptance, most seeking it through the wrong avenues. At Last Frontier Ministries we try to meet that need by sharing with them the love of Jesus; whether it be service projects, teaching health education clases or preaching about the love of Christ to the children, youth and adults, our desire is for others to truly experience love and restoration that is only found through Jesus.
Last Frontier Ministries is an Alakan based mission organization focused on bringing the Gospel message to the remote, unreachable villages of Alaska's Interior. Short -term teams are used throughout the year to share Christ's love in service projects, health education programs, VBS and one on one relationship building.

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