Friday, February 22, 2013

Financial update and prayer requests ~Emma 

      With a total of $275 and only 25 dollars needed to reach my first deadline, it has been amazing to watch the money come in from unexpected places.  THANKS so much to all of you who have donated already!  
     I still haven't gotten a response about what what part of Alaska we will be serving in.  Hopefully, somewhere cold :).  I would much rather be a little cold then be sweating.  Last year in Texas and NYC it was extremely HOT and only rained twice over the course of two weeks.  Sadly the rain only made it more humid in both  cases :(  I am probably just being a wimpy New Yorker, but would you please pray that we will be in a cooler part of Alaska.  

As for the ministry please pray that:

1. I would have a great team 
2. I would make at least one new friend while on this trip.  And also that I would learn to be a good friend to someone who is different than me.
3. I would not be shy and that I would step out of my comfort zone and be able to talk to adult strangers.  
4. I would be ready to boldly share my faith and see someone come to know Jesus as their friend.
5. I would meet all of my financial support goals.
6. I would have confidence in myself and in God's provision.  I am praying that God would lift the shroud of doubts from around me.  

That's all folks (for now....)!


I am having fun looking at some pics of Alaska.  I am going to share some of my favorites with you.

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