Sunday, February 24, 2013

3 minutes left....

3 minutes left

In three minutes you can:

  • Count to 180
  • Devour a Grande iced coffee
  • Get dressed for the day
  • Update your Facebook or tweet 18 times
  • Eat two and a half slices of pizza(three if you eat really fast)
  • Brush your teeth
  • Watch the latest ESPN  highlights
  • Catch a bus or ride to school

Think about this:

Every 3 minutes about 325 people on earth die.  6,500 every hour.  156,000 every day.

What if three minutes was all you had?

Three minutes matters.  It's reality.  

There are real people all over the world who have only three minutes left to live, and many of them will die without hope, without ever hearing that their Creator loves them, wants them, and conquered death for them.  

So what if...

you decided three minutes could count for eternity?  

you decided to make a difference, to impact a destiny?  

you decided to be courageous and GO?  

you brought a meal to a child who hasn't eaten in two days?  

you told a family they can move out of their run-down car and into a home your team built for them?  

you preached the Gospel to someone who knows no reason for hope?  

you got to see the expression on their face as they speak to their Savior for the first time?  

All of these things can happen in three minutes.  

It's so easy to think that because it's a small amount of time it can't really be significant.  But if you think about it, all of life is just three minutes multiplied over and over again.  There is no amount of time that is too small to make a difference.

this is from a GE article all copyright and credit goes to Global Expeditions.

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