Thursday, April 11, 2013

Stats & Stories 4/11/13

The stats as of TODAY 4/11/13:

85 days till she it feels close!

$1990 what God has provided financially so far!  Thank YOU Father God and everyone!

451 blog pageviews  Thanks to all who are praying!  Please continue.

$510 is all we officially have left!  WOW! ONLY God could provide those kinds of finances on such a small timetable!  The final amount will go up some after plane tickets are ordered....but....we are REJOICING over the GREAT things He has done.

FINALLY, I, Melissa, have started the plane ticket process.  Details are being worked out and I expect to have a final amount and ticket information by early next week.

At this exact moment, Emily just called home and is talking to her siblings.  For those who may have missed the information, she is down at BBC through Sunday for some hands on missions training.  We arrived last night just in time for her to get settled into her room.

After not being nervous at all, when the time came for me to leave and for her to join the other students she then became nervous.  A dear friend, put her arm around her and helped her and me to feel OK.  Em called last night as I was walking in the door.  She had a good night, and was very tired, but excited for what this week would hold!

There are about 30 kids in the program, and they spent some time last night worshiping, getting to know each other and listening to a presentation by an ABWE representative.  

Today they are in a workshop entitled "Cultural Sensitivity", then BBC chapel, followed by another workshop entitled "Sharing your Faith".  The afternoon will be spent in Tunkhannock Pa helping a church plant with whatever they need.  Originally they were going to be doing some canvassing of neighborhoods, but the plans may change due to the weather.  She said they may end up doing some physical labor at the church instead.  She sounded excited to serve.

Emily is a normal teen.  She struggles with being insecure, figuring out her strengths, knowing how to be a good friend, sister, and daughter.  She can be stubborn and strong willed, caring, hardworking, at times lazy, playful, and is extremely compassionate.  She is a joy to listen to as she processes through various life circumstances.  She has some great ideas and neat ways of looking at situations.  But, none of that impresses me as much as her going and serving "scared".  Last night was a prime example.  When everything in her wanted to come home, she chose to stay, trust God with her fears and do her best with whatever HE chooses to put before her this week.  

Please be praying that this is a good and beneficial time for her.  I pray that her heart and emotions are safe and that she can continue to get a clearer picture of who God created her to be and what He desires her to do with her life!

Thanks again for all that you all have done to love and support her and our entire family!


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